Diplo to Hold TikTok Event for Mental Health Awareness Day

Diplo's live session could be a template for many more eye-opening events

TikTok has been a revolutionary social media platform that has changed the way we look at social media forever. Although it has its negatives, including addiction and cyberbullying, TikTok can be a great place for change. With more people struggling with mental health, it’s important to think about our own emotional wellbeing and also support others who might be struggling. This Saturday, on Mental Health Awareness Day (October 10th), Diplo will go LIVE on TikTok to host “Diplo and Secular Sabbath – Looking for Mental Health Awareness,” a special live stream, as part of TikTok‘s #MentalHealthMatters initiative.

Diplo, who has spoken candidly about how many creatives have struggled with mental health, will do a 1-hour meditative music experience which will take cues from Diplo’s Secular Sabbath events at Coachella and pandemic live streams. Fans will view the LIVE music meditative experience, which and will feature appearances from Rhye and many other surprises, on TikTok on Saturday at 5 p.m. PST.

This exclusive experience run by TikTok will raise funds for the JED Foundation. In detail, it is an organization that empowers teens and young adults with the skills and support to grow into healthy, thriving adults. In addition to Diplo and the JED Foundation, TikTok has partnered with The Trevor Project, Providence Health and Seize the Awkward to help bring their message to TikTok as a way to foster ongoing conversations around emotional wellbeing.


I’m partnering with @tiktok & @secularsabbath for Looking For Me(ntal Health Awareness) LIVE stream to support @jedfoundation #mentalhealthmatters

♬ Looking For Me – Paul Woolford & Diplo & Kareen Lomax