Through her fictional character named Juan, the Canadian surrealist electronica artist Dontmesswithjuan invites us to a magical journey of self-exploration with her newly released album Juan & The Pursuit Of Happiness, published via Sono Music Group. The young artist breaks down the road towards happiness in an inspiring and enlightening way throughout eight beautiful songs. She has sonically combined her haunting voice with dark textures and glitchy foley beats, and visually crafted surrealist visuals that perfectly match the music. Learning how to produce electronic music gave her the ultimate tool to share her creativity, inspired by artists like Massive Attack, Amon Tobin, Björk and many others.
Dontmesswithjuan unveils her thoughts about music and shares: “I believe music is about emotions. It's about accepting to blindly throw ourselves in a vulnerable space and trust the journey enough so it can uncover what we have inside. Then, it will undoubtedly connect with other human hearts. And if we can adapt to this journey and use it to become the best version of ourselves, then maybe, hopefully, music can be our channel to make this world a better place."
Watch Dontmesswithjuan’s visuals on YouTube and stay updated with her latest news by checking her Website.