Tomorrowland Opens Gorgous New Office in Antwerp

Tomorrowland can make anything beautiful, and now the Belgian Festival has opened into a new corporate office in the famous Montevideo warehouses in Antwerp. For a long time this location was considered a blight on the city. Fully restored, some of the renderings look stunning and I think we all can agree we would like to work in that environment. The employees of, the company behind Tomorrowland, reported to the new offices on the Eilandje for the first time on Monday morning.

The warehouses, built in 1897, fell empty when the port expanded to the north and had been empty since 1980, becoming an eyesore. The Port Authority sold the building to a project developer in 2001. The warehouses changed owners a few more times and were completely demolished except for the facades. Almost 25 years later, they are finally coming back to life, thanks to Tomorrowland.

Dieter Vander Velpen and Oyo Architects were responsible for the fairy-tale interior, including butterflies and plants, an indoor and outdoor patio and a central bar. Vander Velpen and Tomorrowland jointly run the Great Library Design Studio, which tries to translate the atmosphere and magic of the dance festival into architecture. now has four hundred employees worldwide. The company also has offices in France and Brazil. In Boom, it also runs the Lab of Tomorrow, where the radio and music studios are located.