Watch Biggie Babylon’s Comeback Hit “All In” [Official Music Video]

Biggie Babylon has made a highly noticed comeback in Hip-Hop with the release of a dream track titled “All In,” alongside a Damien Sandoval produced music video. Shortly after being released, “All In” rapidly gained momentum and became the #2 record globally on DRT. For all those who have heard and seen “All In,” it comes with no surprise that the song is doing so well given the Chaldean rapper’s performance as well as the music video’s top notch quality and concept. 

Seen gambling in an underground casino, Biggie Babylon takes us on a bigger-than-life journey revolving around risk, losing, winning and hardwork. Until almost the end of the visual, Babylon is losing every round, left with no money but going “All In” with jars of blood, sweat and tears, an explosive combo that pays off since he ends up winning it all.  

He explained the meaning of “All In” saying: “The message I want to get across is that you can’t just come in and buy your way into success.  If you really want to win you have to risk everything you have. Then, and then only, can you really win.”

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