Suniel Fox and Henry Strange recently teamed up for the timely track titled “Revolution.” Suniel Fox, who garnered attention with his 2019 debut EP, “Everwide” developed the idea for an LCD Soundsystem vocal. Consequently, this evolved into a tasty chord progression on the bass while hanging out with his songwriter friend, Noah Lowman.
Bringing his colleague, multi-talented and highly revered Henry Strange into the mix, Suniel Fox and him then combined electronic elements. For instance, these included different types of hardware, a modular synth, and drum machines with live guitar and bass. The result is a funky and anthemic house music gem that simply makes you want to get up and dance.
Lowman’s super soulful and smooth, passionate vocals hit the right notes as he sings, “For you, I’ll start a revolution.” Be on the lookout for more material from extremely talented duo, Suniel Fox and Henry Strange. Moreover, they have a litany of future releases planned under their combined moniker, “Epikker.”
As an artist, it’s very easy to pigeonhole yourself into a certain style. If this year has taught me something, it’s that anything goes. While we figure out the path through these seemingly insurmountable challenges, I think its important we stop along the way to be with our community and just have fun…. And we had a lot of fun making this song!
Suniel Fox about “Revolution”