Cookie Monsta Passed Away at 31

It’s a heartbreaking afternoon for the bass community as the one and only Cookie Monsta passed away at 31. The label Circus Records went to social media to break the news of the passing dubstep artist. At this time, no cause of death has been mentioned. 

Cookie Monsta Passed Away & His Influence on The Dubstep Community

This year has been nothing short of unpredictable but the death of Cookie Monsta has taken us and punched us straight in the throat. The news of the passing of Cookie Monsta is hurting the whole bass community. In the below tweet, here’s the post written by Circus Records:

Many artists have come forward to grieve and take social media to talk about memories of the UK dubstep hero. Accounts such as Never Say Die Records, Kai Wachi, Downlink, UBUR, Ray Volpe, and best friend Funtcase took to Twitter and spoke about Cookie. In a heartfelt post, Funtcases hit home the most:

Funtcase followed this post with canceling his live stream for tonight. 

More About Cookie Monsta

From Nottingham, UK, Cookie Monsta’s filth on the decks also represented the grimey side of the dubstep genre. His sound was truly one of a kind encapsulated the UK Grime style of dubstep. Tony Cook pushed the boundaries of what it meant to be a dubstep artist. Being asked to join Circus Records by Flux Pavillion, his first release on the label was’ Ginger Pubes/ Blurgh!’ With his groundbreaking B2b’s and his personal touch on dubstep, he will be missed.

Here at Mix247edm, we extend our condolences to the family, friends, and the bass community that loved Cookie Monsta.

Photo Credit: OhDagYo Photography