Local Govt Wants to Stop Portola Music Festival

Portola Music Festival might not see the light of day again! The city authorities in Alameda have notified an appeal to suspend the festival after a mere two-year run. The new Californian festival in its most northern metro had caused quite a buzz when it was announced. Unfortunately, like its predecessor, a common cause is proving to be the final blow.

Significant noise complaints” seem to haunt the gathering in both editions. Officials point out that this was despite “changes made by the operator to try to address the noise impacts experienced last year”. Consequently, an official application from the City of Alameda to the San Francisco Entertainment Commission has been issued with two options in fray. The first is halting the event to further take place from 2024 onwards. The second is to scout for a new location where inhabitants would not be affected.

“If you had a great time at Portola 2023 and would like the SF Entertainment Commission to approve Portola 2024 in spite of Alameda noise complaints, you can email the SF Entertainment Commission directly”

-A Portola Subreddit User

Portola Music Festival marked an appearance this year from September 30 – October 1. It was hosted at the 60-acre Pier 80 to the East of San Francisco. Following noise complaints last year, the organizers worked to soothe the sound. However, the authorities were still skeptical about hearing ‘bass from across the bay’. They promoted contact to the community hotline for those affected.